Badger Lighting


Canon EOS 5D Mk3  2 Softboxes   Stool   Flash Trigger   White backdrop


This photo turns out like the name of the lighting set up, a badger. The lighting set up gives an effect of a badger shaped face.  The model was sat on a stool facing the camera lens. I used a white backdrop so that the light would be a lot brighter than if it was a black backdrop. I really like this photo as it shows lighting down each side of the face but then there is a dark line of shadow down the centre of the models nose.

This photo was taken in ISO 100. The lower the ISO number the less sensitive the camera will be to the light. A softbox and a flash trigger was being used so the camera needed to be on a low ISO otherwise the photo would not be clear. The higher the number the more sensitive the camera will be to light and this will add grain and noise to the photo. The F-stop was f/16. This is a high F-stop. This means that everything in the photo is in focus meaning the photo has a large depth of field. The shutter speed was 1/125sec, this can also be known as the exposure time. The shutter speed is the length of time that the camera shutter is open for to expose light into the camera sensor. 1/125sec is a low shutter speed.

The Lighting set up:

lighting set up  1111

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